
What Do You Want From Life? Why understanding the answer can bring hope and purpose to your life!

What Do You Want From Life? Why understanding the answer can bring hope and purpose to your life!

One of the hardest lessons I have learned in life is that sometimes when you get the thing you want it doesn’t fulfill you in the way you hoped it would. I am a very ambitious person, and I work hard to achieve the goals I set for myself, but sometimes I have gotten so lost in the achieving of goals that I didn’t stop myself to ask whether the goal I was seeking was worth the cost I was paying to achieve it.

Power Pride and the Fall: Reflections on our leaders and the Easter Message

Power Pride and the Fall: Reflections on our leaders and the Easter Message

Becoming powerful is not inherently wrong, all of us should seek to use our influence to make this world a better place, but we must realize that seeking power for its own end is as frivolous as chasing after the wind, because we can never obtain enough power to bring us peace, nor receive enough praise to find joy. The message of Easter is that