Drug Possession

How could federal enforcement of marijuana change drug penalties in Alabama?

How could federal enforcement of marijuana change drug penalties in Alabama?

United States’ incarceration figures are higher than any other country in the world. In 2012 alone, there were 658,000 arrests for marijuana possession. Arresting and incarcerating users necessitates a substantial amount of law enforcement time and manpower, not to mention billions of dollars each year. Many in favor of legalization argue the benefits, citing the possibility of increased tax revenue. Currently, drug enforcement operations are handled largely at the state and local level. Trump has yet to take a hard stance on the matter. In 2015, he was quoted in saying...

Will the Trump Administration Enforce Federal Law Against Marijuana Use In States Where It Is Legal?

Will the Trump Administration Enforce Federal Law Against Marijuana Use In States Where It Is Legal?

As the Trump administration tackles new ground, many wonder how the new President will approach the recent legalization of marijuana in states around the country.  With Colorado and Washington voting to legalize the drug, it seems more and more states are looking to shift in that direction.  There is certainly a great deal of buzz surrounding legalization, but does that mean it’s the right course of action? As the Trump administration moves forward, they must find the right balance between a lack of action and government overreach.