Planting to Product: How Two Churches Are Bringing Others to Christ

Planting to Product: How Two Churches Are Bringing Others to Christ

In an age full of churches dying left and right, there is a church that stands out among the rest. Redeemer Community Church located in Birmingham, Alabama has a story like no other. Brought to Birmingham by God’s calling, lead pastor Joel Brooks uprooted his family from Atlanta and decided to plant a church in Birmingham. The church started in 2008 and began with 150 members. The interesting part of this church is that now, less than ten years later, they are pressing towards 1,000 members. This church is growing exponentially, but why are some churches like Redeemer Community Church and the Church of the Highlands growing on a weekly basis but other churches are struggling to keep their members?...

A Strange Election: Who Is More Likely to Win the Alabama Senate Seat: Luther Strange or Mo Brooks?

A Strange Election: Who Is More Likely to Win the Alabama Senate Seat: Luther Strange or Mo Brooks?

No one can deny that we are living in strange times. From Russia interfering in U.S. elections, to a President who appears to be either a lunatic or a genius as he enrages the media by making up words like “covfefe,” to our own governor marred by a sex scandal, it seems our country is spiraling out of control by the second. And yet, in the midst of all of the chaos, we Alabamians have a decision to make: who to elect as our new senator...

Breaking the Bad: Hope for the Heroin Epidemic

Breaking the Bad: Hope for the Heroin Epidemic

Our nation and our state are facing an epidemic that affects every age group, race, religion, and creed. The opioid epidemic has taken the lives of young men and women who have their whole lives ahead of them and grown adults with an incredible legacy behind them. Unlike most diseases that we have found a single, simple medical solution to, the battle against opioid addiction is fought on many fronts. However, if legislators, physicians, parents, and communities can come together with a single goal, there is hope that we can rid our state of this deadly force...

Will Millennials Ever Come Back to Church?

Will Millennials Ever Come Back to Church?

The words that typically come to mind when the word “millennials” is mentioned usually deal with entitlement, laziness, fearlessness, self-centeredness, etc. No one has to explain what is meant when using the term, and most of the time the word brings a negative connotation. One word that has never been used to describe the millennial generation is Christian. If you look back into the late 1800’s and early 1900’s you see the Christian movement at an all time high. Then you get to the late 1900’s and early 2000’s and there is less of a presence as ever before. Why did this trend begin and what is to blame for the lack of church participation by millennials today?...

Katherine Timpf: A Voice for Young Conservatives

Katherine Timpf: A Voice for Young Conservatives

In a political environment where it can be intimidating for young Republicans to speak their minds and openly identify with the party, Fox News commentator Katherine Timpf says the things that many GOP millennials are thinking. At 28 years old, Timpf has already established herself as a noted political pundit and an informed voice on hot-button issues. A comedian as well as a media personality, Timpf brings humor to subjects that could otherwise be awkward or contentious. Her unique style makes politics accessible for young people who might normally shy away from political discussion, and Timpf shows young Conservatives that popularized liberal views are not the only opinions of their generation...

Lessons in Leadership: Stories in Overcoming

Lessons in Leadership: Stories in Overcoming

Our lives are filled with personal challenges, and sometimes it may seem that these challenges are never-ending. We all know that sense of defeat, the feeling that giving up and losing would be much easier than rising up and overcoming. In these times of hopelessness, it’s important to look to those around us for examples of strength, courage, and the ability to beat the odds. I am blessed to know two individuals who personify determination and fearlessness, whose experiences I may look to when challenges in my own life seem overwhelming—Cortland Finnegan and Brenda Ladun. Cortland and Brenda each have their own inspirational stories and, although different, both their journeys exemplify the success and gratification that is possible when we stay strong, refuse to give up, and always remain resolute in our faith...